Spiral-Bound Print Version

Spiral-Bound Print Version


  • The cost is only $29.95. To order a copy of our spiral-bound manual, click on the "Buy Now" button to the right.

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We offer a spiral-bound laser-printed manual printed with black toner on 20-pound paper with 30% post-consumer recycled content. This is a rather complete draft of the final version that we hope to formally publish at some point in the future.

In fact, George is working on updating and completing our manual, which we also hope will lead to an additional electronic version. We don't have a completion date as of yet, so for now, we encourage you to purchase our spiral-bound version.

By purchasing the spiral-bound version, you will have access to the information we want to provide to you and you will also be eligible for a discount of $10 on the electronic version when that comes out at some point in the future, which will be periodically updated. You will also receive a credit towards the updated edition if you purchase a spiral-bound version now.

For questions about your book order please call George Swanson at 512-653-8624. All books ordered through this website are shipped out of Austin, Texas by George. You can email George at gps@flash.net.